this blog is dedicated to all those who have seen one of my books and declared "you know you should really publish these!" that's clearly not going to happen. they are nonsensical and the drawings are shit and the input from drunken strangers on nights out are so graphic and vulgar that no publishing company in their right mind is going to give me any sort of funding to do so. and if they were mad enough to, i can hardly see waterstones being happy about the idea.
but anywho, the books of twee is a project which has been subconsciously been on-going since i was 16 going on 17 (i know that i'm naive). having started as a notebook just for my school work, it is strange to see how each one has evolved and have now become these sacred capsules of my life which i deny any university notes to ever get a look at (unless i REALLY have nothing to write on, then i shove it in the back 'cause that bit doesn't really count).
this blog marks the beginning of vol. 7. she is grey and floral and arguably the prettiest of the series yet. i apologise on behalf of my eczema ridden right hand to anyone who is unhappy with their simplified representation but when i'm famous and people are wanting to pay millions for my unobtainable books, you'll be lapping up the fact that one of your arms is shorter than the other so pipe down.
twee x
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